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Art and Design 

Art at St Albert’s is organised to link with the Lancs Scheme which is a cross curricular approach to learning. 5 main techniques are identified and repeated throughout the key stage building upon the progression


  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • 3D Art – this includes sculpture and textiles
  • Printing
  • Digital Art

Drawing and Painting feature and progress throughout all topics but, in some instances they will also be main drivers. 

  • Year 1 – Clay Modelling, Drawing and Painting, 3D Modelling, Drawing and Painting
  • Year 2 – Printing, 3D Modelling, Drawing and Painting , Collage
  • Year3 – Drawing and Painting, Printing, Mosaic
  • Year 4- Printing, 3D Sculpture, Drawing and Painting
  • Year 5 – Painting, Islamic Art, 3D Sculpture, Painting and Drawing
  • Year 6 – Drawing and Painting- Textiles, Perspective and Digital art, Mixed Media & Collage


  • EYFS – through Expressive Arts and Design

We link artists to each topic and the children will study the artist and the artist’s work in detail. The artists are chosen because their work is a strong example of a particular skill across the strands and areas or their work links closely to the topic covered (see overview).

Formal Elements

There are eight formal elements which make up a piece of art, which are developed progressively throughout the year groups: These are

  • Line
  • Shape
  • Form
  • Tone
  • Texture
  • Pattern
  • Colour
  • Composition

Sketch Pads are used from throughout the school and children are taught to use these appropriately and creatively.

Curriculum Enhancement

All children visit an art gallery at least once per year.  

We invite artists into school regularly to work alongside the children. More recent examples of this have been the willow weaving on the school field, 3D Modelling  which linked a focus on ‘The Selfish Giant’ in English  and a Maths art project which linked tessellation and printing to our Maths Award.

We look to develop our art and creativity further through projects and this year the children in year 4 will be involved in an Art Project called Dreams and Goals whilst the children in Year 6 will take part in a Winter Project. 

We also take every opportunity to develop art by responding to less formal opportunities.  The teacher or class may be inspired by a particular theme or other area of the curriculum and they are then encouraged to build upon this creatively.

Art Overview


St Alberts Progression of Knowledge and Skills

Eight Elements of Art

Art Policy

National Curriculum Art

St Albert’s Art Gallery
Reception Art
Year 1 Art
Year 2 Art
Year 3 Art
Year 4 Art
Year 5 Art
Year 6 Art
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